Home Decor

3 Steps To Use Feng Shui In Your Home Decor

Did you know that you can use Feng Shui to produce some great changes to your home?
In fact, there are 3 huge principles of Feng Shui that you can use, to create a home where you feel relaxed, rejuvenated and filled with enjoyment.
So let’s have a look at these 3 principles and how and why they work.
large tapestry image

1. Declutter your home.
This is a huge principle of Feng Shui.
It’s because decluttering relaxes the mind and body.
Yes, you may have experienced it, however it has been shown in an experiment by a Feng Shui expert in the US, when it was found that beta brain waves are greatly reduced or are mostly disappeared when a room with Feng Shui is applied.
Instead the alpha brain waves were accessed.
Beta brain waves are the chaotic brain waves that are present when we are stressed and erratic.
These brainwaves were measured on an EEG.
When they are gone, the alpha brain waves were able to be accessed, and alpha brain waves are the waves where creative thought, relaxation, ease of learning takes place.
So declutter your home, as this is a major part of Feng Shui.
Any clutter around that makes you feel uncomfortable should be tidied up and placed in appropriate places in storage.
Any clutter that is actionable, that is, needs something done, should be done on time and then can be stored away.
Clean the room including the floor, tables and any other areas that needs cleaning.
If you have many rooms in the home that needs decluttering, you can start with the room or rooms that you spend the most time in.
Or you can use you intuition and start in the room that you feel you need to start with.
If you learn Feng Shui in greater depth, you will understand the rooms of the house that are related to your success, health, relationships and wisdom and focus on those areas first.
However, eventually you will want to declutter all rooms, so simply get started in one area and go from there.
2. Create a balance of colors and elements.
A balance of colors and elements is another principle of Feng Shui which has been used for thousands of years by Chinese royalty.
And it has only recently Feng Shui been shared with Western culture.
So why a balance of colors and elements?
If you have ever experienced this you may have been able to put your finger on it…
Have you ever been in a room where one group of color or one element dominated?
For example, if you go into a room that only has the colors of white, grey, silver, after a short time, you may feel quite uneasy.
This room only has the element of metal.
Metal is represented by colors such as white, grey or silver, and gold.
If there is a imbalance, you may feel uneasy, uninspired or even exhausted.
This is especially so if the element in a room is a depleting element of your fortune element.
So how do you balance this room?
Add an element of color representing the other elements of water, earth, fire and wood.
Beige can represent earth and metal and even wood, so this is why beige is such a versatile color that is well loved.
Earth tones and earth reds represent earth.
Blue and black represent water.
Pinks, purples, orange and reds can be used to represent fire.
Have a look at this room here:
large tapestry image
This room above is ‘balanced’.
The room has beige which can represent earth, metal. There are plants and greenery to represent wood in addition to the browns. Fire is represented by the reds. And water is represented by the blue vase.
So as you can see, this room is balanced in color and elements.
3. Create beauty
Why is creating beauty a principle of Feng Shui?
It is because chi, or universal life energy, is attracted and enhanced by beauty.
If there is no beauty, chi becomes stagnant and even reduced.
Also, when you see beauty, your mind and body relaxes, and as a direct result, alpha waves increases again.
So when you have beauty in a room, you will feel a difference right away, and reap its rewards for as long as you are in that room.
How to create beauty?
Using a beautiful image that inspires you and helps you to feel beautiful, inspired and that you really love.
Wall art can be used, and a beautiful tapestry can help you achieve this effect in a most wonderful way.
A tapestry has a presence about it that is most unique.
Because it is woven, there is a uniqueness, and this has been recognized since the age where nobility lived in castles and palaces.
It can turn any room into one that looks and feels wonderful.
This is why so many people enjoy a room where a large tapestry is hanging, are really present, and really enjoy the time they spend in that room.
This makes each experience in that room most enjoyable.
Isn’t this the ultimate aim of any room?
So create beauty in the room that you love, and really notice the difference it makes, and enjoy this to the maximum.
So there you go.
You now have the 3 principles of feng shui and why they apply and how to apply it.
So go ahead and put into place each of these 3 steps and enjoy it!
landscape tapestry image

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