3 Interior Decorating Tips Of The Pros

Want to know the interior decorating tips of the pros?

Principles they use every day but that they don't reveal?

Well, you will discover these tips right here.

When you discover them, your decor will have more impact.

It will look professional and inviting.

The space you create will be one where you would love to stay and relax in, and where others love to hang out and enjoy as well!

So what to do?

Here are 3 insider tips that you must know about.

lounge with Archway to Venice wall tapestry

Tip 1: 

Have a "color anchor" to link your decor, including your tapestry, to your room

This is a secret of the professionals. Have one or more colors in your tapestry be related to another item in your decor.

In each the first image from our inspiration gallery, notice how this interior design technique makes both the tapestry and decor "pop" visually, to create even more impact!

The aqua blue, yellow and reds bring life and color to the black and white decor, and these colors, as well as green are in the tapestry as well as in the cushions, chair and pouf.

It is not necessary to have 3 or 4 colors match or complement. Just 1 or 2 is enough.

library decor with Abstract Autumn tapestry

Tip 2: Have your tapestry theme complement your decor's theme.

As well as matching color, you can ramp it up a notch when you match the theme.

As in the example above, if you have a botanical tapestry, have a leafy plant or flowers in the room.

In this example of the tapestry in this library, there is a color match between the brown and small patches of grey in the tapestry, with the brown and grey decor in the chairs, rug, table and rounded box.

There is also a clever thematic match between the leaf in the tapestry and the green plant on the table. The green in the plant has a subtle link with the small patch of emerald green and citrus green in the top and top left of the tapestry, which to the untrained eye will not consciously see.

Green, grey and browns do go well together anyway, even if the tapestry did not have any green in it.

So have fun and put together a space that ties in beautifully together.

The word here is cohesive.

< living room with Foret de Compiegne tapestry

Tip 3: Just show what you love.

Another great starting point is to go with what you love.

If you love nature and forests, as in the example above, there are beautiful tapestries that will transport you to that place and to a point in time.

This is a unique property of wall art tapestries in that their subject matter is so vivid that you are transformed when in its presence.

In this example, there is a gold color theme in the tapestry which is reflected in the bronze and gold metallic decor.

There is also a thematic relationship between the forest tapestry and the branches in the decor on the left.

The same goes for "art styles".

If you love art deco, or modern art, then show this off in your wall decor, and have another piece in the room such as a art deco or modern art statue or desk ornament to compliment this to tie it all together.

So go for it and go wild with your imagination, and put these tips into practice right away.

So enjoy decorating, and creating a room and home that you love!

Worldwide Tapestries