Art Tapestries

Wall Tapestries As Wall Art And Decor

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Are you thinking of decorating your home with wall tapestries as wall art and decor? Then you’ve made a great choice, as there’s something about tapestries that really draw the eye. If you want to decorate your home, then stick around. You’ll find out why decorating with tapestries will make your room unique compared than […]

Victorian Tapestry

How To Decorate With William Morris Tapestries

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If you’re looking for a William Morris tapestry then you are not alone. These tapestries have been called by some to be the most striking and iconic of all tapestry categories as they reflect the precise look that Morris intended. There are qualities of a William Morris tapestry that captures the imagination of decorators and […]

Celtic Tapestry

Celtic Tapestry: How To Decorate With Celtic Art

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While the word Celtic can refer to the Celtic nations, culture or language, the word has an identity of its own. The 6 Celtic nations, as recognised by the Celtic League are  Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Mann, Cornwall and Brittany. The symbols in Celtic culture however are very distinct and has much beauty and richness in […]